
I have been making materials for over 40 years now.  Through the course of that time I have had the privilege to work with some of the best in the industry.  Here is what some of them have to say about my products……

“I’ve been working closely with John Rohmer for several years now and to say I’m impressed with his ability to construct some of the finest dubbing blends on the market would be an understatement!  His newest product, AZ Spectra Blends, well demonstrates this expertise.  Not only is it a remarkably easy-to-dub product, but it also has the perfect combination of a slight “shag” appearance when applied (which I find desirable for both dries and nymphs), and well-spectrumized color blends, critical to imitating the nuanced hues of natural insects.
John’s wealth of knowledge regarding the many potential ingredients for dubbings is astounding – truly, he has forgotten more about how to blend various materials, than I will ever know.  And as a superb tyer himself, he understands the intricacies of designing dubbings – when to use various styles of fibers, and when not to, and why.  It is telling that he produces many of the dubbings used commercially to tie some of the world’s most favorite patterns, from huge streamers to the tiniest dries.  If you have a favorite dubbing blend, there is a good chance that John either produces it, or at least knows exactly how it is made!”
Mike Mercer

“For most of a decade I have relied on John Rohmer to produce the specialized dubbing blends we use for House of Harrop flies.  The attention to detail in his products combined with the reliable service create a relationship I value highly”.
Rene` Harrop

“John has one of the finest selections of nymph dubbing and has now added a dry fly dubbing that not only looks good but dubs beautifully, and is offered in every color a serious tyer needs”.
John S. Barr

” John Rohmer dubbing blends have been an important part of my tying kit for at least the past 15 years.  John continues to produce dubbings with the right balance between texture and material selection that make them perfect for many stillwater fly tying applications.  I am a great fan of AZ Simi Seal and have developed numerous leech patterns that continue to be my “go to” flies wherever I fish for stillwater trout”.
Brian Chan
Riseform Flyfishing Ventures

“I’ve known John Rohmer for some years now, and two things have struck me particularly about John: 1. He’s an amiable, diligent, and honest guy and 2. He knows fly tying materials at a depth that makes my head swim.  We worked out his AZ Sparkle Nymph Dubbing together and in the end, I couldn’t believe how complex the stuff had become.  But I love it!  I dub all sorts of imitative and attractor flies with it.
Simply put, besides being the sort of guy you’d want to fish with (I can say that with confidence since I have fished with him)…John’s the guy you can trust when it comes to materials for tying flies”.
Skip Morris

“John Rohmer is the complete package when it comes to dubbing.  As the largest manufacturer of high quality flies in the world, Umpqua relies on John for both stock and custom dubbing blends to create a diverse array of fly patterns designed by the best and most well-known fly tyers in the world.  It is no surprise that Umpqua Signature Fly Designers like Mike Mercer and John Barr request Rohmer dubbings specifically on their patterns. After working with John for a decade, he has proven to be a joy to work with and more importantly, his expertise and professionalism has resulted in a partnership that makes both companies better.”
Brent Bauer
Director of Operations and Production
Umpqua Feather Merchants

“I have had the pleasure of knowing John for many years.  Over that time I have become a huge fan of his products, particularly AZ Simi Seal and his AZ Synthetic Dubbing.  As an ardent fly fisher with a deep passion for our sport, John possesses that critical link between practical application and product design.  He understands how his Arizona products will be used and uses that knowledge to create a first class product.  John knows that aquatic invertebrates and baitfish are a collage of colors.  His spectrumized blends match Mother Nature’s pallet perfectly.”

“John is always looking to build and improve his unique blends.  A fact, we as tyers, all benefit from.  If you want to improve your catch rate integrate John’s dubbing and materials into your river r stream patterns.  You won’t be disappointed.”
Phil Rowley
Fly Craft Angling Adventures

This is a nice e mail I got from Connecticut fly Tyer, Richard Boccaccio…..

Also a few reasons why I love your Simi Seal so much:
1.  It works, any fish will eat it.  It looks alive.  I like to stand next to shore when river fishing in the softer water and just watch the fly in the water, the combination of flash and  angora and whatever else you put in there is so realistic looking.  The other thing that makes the fly so effective is the way it holds it shape in the water.  It is almost like a stick bait.  When it dead drifts it holds together and looks very realistic.  I’ve personally caught, Atlantic Salmon, King Salmon, Steelhead, Little Tunny (False Albacore), Striped Bass, Bluefish, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Trout, Landlocked Salmon and all types of panfish on the fly.  If you looked at my fly wallets they are literally filled with hundreds of Simi Seal leeches in all sizes and colors.   It is the one fly I tie on first and unless I’m nymphing or fishing dry, I’m fishing a Simi Seal leech.  I tie larger articulated versions when I want something big.  I love swinging them, dead drifting them and stripping them.

2.  Simi Seal allows me to swing my flies super aggressively.  I change sink tips like some guys change split shot.  This works extremely effective for all manner of fish.  My son calls it “Swymphing”.  Because the leech is so easy to tie you can fish them without concern of losing them on the bottom.  Just go home and tie up a few more for the next time out.

3.  Traveling is a piece of cake.  Just some Simi Seal, a vice, and some thread and you got all you need.

4.  This is a bit technical but the last few years I’ve really been bitten by the two handed rod.  I Spey fish for Stripers, Trout, Salmon, Trout, Smallies – and whatever else swims.  I have long powerful rods for larger fish and ultra light micro Speys for the smaller ones.  The Simi Seal Leech allows me to use lighter tackle to deliver the goods.  For example Rabbit and Marabou absorb lots of water and take a heavy line to deliver the goods.  But the Simi Seal Leech absorbs very little water allowing me to fish “big” on ultra light tackle.  Typically you need very heavy Skagit tactics and water born casts to deliver a bunny leech but with Simi Seal Leech I can deliver the same silohuette fly with touch and go Scandi casting.  So when I’m out trout fishing I can tie on a 3 inch long simi seal leech and present it to the fish on very light tackle.  We use 11′ 2 weight rods rigged with 150 grain heads and they turn it over just fine but if that were rabbit it wouldn’t happen.

5.  You can tie wet fly patterns with the material.  Example Green Butt Skunk.  Tail – red,  Butt – Chartreuse twist dubbed, Body – regular black twist dubbed, Ribbing – None required flash is in the dubbing and it won’t fall apart, Hackle – Black spun in a loop, Wing – White layed on top.  (speaking of White, I make my own by using white angora and some pearl angel hair, this would be a nice addition to your color selections)

Just wanted to share some of the reasons why I love Simi Seal.
